The Stance Spine Clinic

Benefits of Integrated Manual Osteopathy and Digital Impulse Chiropractic

Author: The Stance Integrated Pain and Spine Clinic, Koramangala, Bangalore Date: 2020-07-12


Musculoskeletal and spine health is the most commonly faced challenges by healthcare professionals across the world. Even though there has been a lot of medical advancement in the field of medicine and alternative medicine to help patients suffering from chronic musculoskeletal conditions, due to a lack of integrated and specialized pain management, the patients are subjected to different specialities as a trial and error to find which treatment is best suited to them, as one form of treatment may not be enough to give lasting pain relief.



The manual approach is a non-drug, non-invasive, and non-surgical approach to the treatment of common and some complex spine and musculoskeletal conditions within the scope of manual treatment practice. Manual treatments are truly the most diversified form of alternative medicine practices that treat patients with a non-drug, non-invasive, and non-surgical approach to natural healing. Osteopaths, Manual Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and Manipulative Physical Therapists, are mainly involved in manual therapy treatments without the use of any specific modality using their hands as the only source of treatment. Each of the above has a very different ideology of disease and the treatment, but the outcome of the treatment has strikingly similar goals including an increase in mobility, a reduction in the pressure on the nerves, an increase in range of movement, etc. Manual therapy at our clinic is a unique combination of Osteopathic Manual Medicine and other advanced scientific technologies like DSAA, which effectively helps in reducing the discomfort and pain in the spine and other joint problems and most of the common musculoskeletal conditions during and after the inflammatory and painful stages like acute, sub-acute, chronic, and acute-on-chronic conditions.



Throughout the world, chronic pain patients are being treated by many disciplines. For example, the patient may simultaneously be treated by not only a medical physician but also a physical therapist, alternative medicine practitioner, and clinical psychologist.

Some settings are fortunate enough to have many disciplines under one roof, but that’s not possible to have a dedicated pain management team specialized in multiple disciplines to help patients recover faster.

Regardless of whether the patient is treated at single or multiple sites, it is important to know the strengths and capabilities of each profession and discipline.

THE STANCE – Integrated Pain and Spine Clinic have the unique capability to medically prescribe plus provide traditional Osteopathic Manual Medicine treatments like OMT manipulative therapy and other treatments like OMT Spine Analysis and other diagnostic and therapeutic technologies to help a patient suffering from chronic spine and other musculoskeletal pain.

Chronic pain, one of the most common reasons adults seek medical care has been linked to restrictions in mobility and daily activities, dependence on opioids, anxiety, and depression, and poor perceived health or reduced quality of life.

As per the report claims, manual osteopathy should focus on treating the pattern of the musculoskeletal disease which means it is of great importance to actually understand the actual trigger which is causing pain at one particular point.

If the pain is present for more than 3 months and is non-responsive to normal treatments like quick adjustments, pain medicines, or exercises alone, OMT treatments should be able to offer a solution to help reduce the pain and discomfort.


OMT is the �hands-on� use of force in response to somatic dysfunction in the body.

The goal of OMT is to correct, remove or improve somatic dysfunction thereby allowing for the body’s self-healing, self-regulating (i.e., homeostatic) mechanisms to become more effective at restoring health.

This is an example of the application of the structure-function principle.

Osteopathic medicine is one of the fastest-growing health professions in the United States. It is not just osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) that makes osteopathic medicine different; it is the osteopathic philosophy on which the whole osteopathic system of medicine is based.

The body is a unit; a person is a unit of body, mind, and spirit.

The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance.

Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

Perhaps the most important of these tenets is the first one�that the person is composed of body, mind, and spirit. Thus, to treat the whole person, one needs to treat all three aspects.

These tenets are at the core of osteopathic medicine and are what make the osteopathic view of a patient distinct.


The benefits of an osteopathic approach can be many-fold including fewer unnecessary imaging studies;

  • Decreased use of prescription pain medications
  • Decreased time in physical therapy
  • Decreased need for referrals, and
  • Decrease indirect costs associated with pain.

The osteopathic physician’s emphasis on the musculoskeletal system, combined with a mind-body approach to patient care leads to an expanded differential diagnosis that includes somatic dysfunction.

This expanded understanding of the disease, combined with the osteopathic physician’s knowledge of complex neuroendocrine reflex systems, can help integrate seemingly unrelated symptomatology and develop a holistic plan to achieve health in their patients.

Because chronic pain patients are often very difficult to treat successfully, it would be to their advantage to have an osteopathic component in their assessment and treatment. �

OMT helps patients lower their medication requirements, keeps them away from procedures, and hopefully keeps them away from surgery,� Dr Welches says. �

Procedures and surgery are great when it’s the right thing for the patient, but osteopathic manipulation is simpler than pain management.�


Chronic pain affects millions of Americans each year. Managing chronic pain without the use of opioids and other painkillers is possible for some patients. �

Chronic pain is a huge problem and it’s getting worse due to the ageing population.

OMT can be a gamechanger

Treat structural and tissue abnormalities

Relieve joint restriction and misalignment

Restore muscle and tissue balance

Promote the overall movement of blood flow throughout the body

OMT Treatments can be a game-changer instead of applying direct force or only focusing on only muscle-based treatment like myotherapy.

Physical pain needs a balanced treatment that focuses on the treatment of both muscle, and joint through soft-tissue manipulation, stretching, graded-strengthening protocols, and spinal manipulation (adjustments).


Based on what we’ve read, is there any difference? Does it matter which you should see? Well, let’s look at some differences

Chiropractors aim to help with symptoms such as a pinched nerve, or other issues with the nervous system.

They aim to help with specific treatments and spinal manipulations based on an alignment of the spine to treat the spinal subluxations, which cause pain by causing interference in the spinal nerve.

Chiropractors tend to be specifically focused on treating muscle and joint pains, with a focus on adjustments to the vertebrae of the spine.

Manual Osteopaths aim to treat the body as a whole, looking at the structure of the body and the interdependence throughout the body.

Through this approach, an Osteopath will be able to treat a broader range of problems. An Osteopath will utilize a wider range of techniques to manipulate the body and will incorporate soft tissue and muscle manipulation in their approach to correct structural problems like anatomical restrictions in the joint or the surrounding joints in the spine or extremities.

Treatment from a Chiropractor will be relatively short, you may attend a session for a short treatment, which is likely to involve a specific adjustment, and then it’s all over until the next time.

Your Osteopath will spend a longer amount of time with you, understanding your overall health and medical history. Osteopathic treatment will last much longer and may be spread out over a longer period of time.

Which is best for you? Should you visit a Chiropractor or an Osteopath?

Hopefully, this post has helped you understand a little more about the differences between a Chiropractic approach and an Osteopathic approach.

Your own understanding of your symptoms or condition will hopefully help you make a decision.

Maybe you need to consider how complicated your problem is.

Is your pain not responding to medications?
Have your initial exercise-based treatments not been able to reduce pain?
Are the exercises and the spine adjustments painful?
Is your condition advocate the application of the forced manipulation technique?
Do you have trouble with other joints and tissues?


At our STANCE Spine and Pain Clinic, we can offer a manual osteopathic approach along with integrated impulse chiropractic Sense Technology is a unique combination of manual and impulse technology to help with your pain.

Consultations at our clinic are available to figure out the best possible alternative treatments which can help you faster with degenerative spine and joint problems.




“Our approach has not only simplified the treatments but it also actively involves the patients to recover by our very simplified, yet very dynamic treatment protocols.”

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