The Stance Spine Clinic



Structural and Corrective Osteopathic – Manipulative Medicine
Impulse Chiropractic – Computerized Spine Adjusting
Digital Spine Analysis – PULSTAR Spine Analysis and Treatments


Intervention Pain Medicine
Ultrasound-guided Procedures
Joint Regenerative Treatments


We offers to you a non-surgical approach of treatment performed under the supervision of internationally-certified and trained Intervention Medicine and Manual Medicine experts. Manual Treatments like Osteopathic Manipulation, Chiropractic type Adjustments, and other Manual Therapy techniques for restorative and structural correction of chronic pain symptoms.

Welcome to Most scientific blend of modern pain intervention methods and famous and timeless manual medicine treatments with the scientific latest technology for long-term care.


Manual Medicine provides non-surgical and non-drug treatments based on principles of osteopathic and chiropractic joint manipulation. Structural correction of the compromised structures or joints is treated by activation treatment protocols designed by our internationally-certified manual treatment practitioners.

The concept of manual medicine helps them with correction at anatomical and biomechanical level, thereby restoring the functions of the challenged joints by osteopathic approach. This practice reduces the risk factors generally associated with aggressive treatment techniques and involves patients to reduce their pain and increase the function, unlike other treatments where the emphasis is on muscle stretching or strengthening or solely on the manipulation/adjustments.

From Spine Treatments to Joint Treatments or other recurring and non-responsive cases which have not responded to rest, medication, or exercise-based treatment can get moderate to good relief when tried an manual osteopathic approach of treatment. OMT Manipulations and other soft tissue treatment/manipulation approach is a hallmark of osteopathic treatment which corrects imbalance and dysfunctions not only at the site of pain, but actually by identifying the pattern of dysfunction/derangement which causes pain at a particular site


Intervention Medicine is a highly focused mode of pain management practiced worldwide by targeted administration of local pain-relieving agents in or around the joint, for pain relief. This is a great mode of pain management as the drugs or the pain relief agents are administered with minimally invasive technique under controlled and guided protocols, which are generally pain free and helps immensely in a reduction in inflammation and decreases the nerve sensitivity which can reduce the pain and help in effective rehabilitation.

The most important aspect of these treatments is that the patients are not advised to take pain medicine for a long period and reduces dependence on the medicines. These procedures generally require one or two-time administration of the pain relief agents at the site of pain directly and help the joint to recover, rather than taking oral medications for a long time. Putting a potent medicine at the painful spot in a very low dose leads to virtually no adverse effects, but very effective anti-inflammatory and nerve-calming effects. If medicines are to be avoided or are not effective then more advanced measures can be taken like radiofrequency ablation and desensitization.


As the name suggests, this treatment protocol involves both Intervention Medicine and Manual Medicine’s approach of correcting the pattern of the joint causing pain. The main benefit of the integrated approach is a much lesser strain on the joints during the structural correction during the Manual Medicine procedure. It also takes care of the repetitive strains and reduces the symptoms and risk factors by a huge margin. The patients experience a long-lasting solution to their pain, which can be either chronic or recurring pains, and reduces the visit for repeat treatments for the same problems significantly.

Stand-alone practices of manual medicines e.g., Manual Osteopathy, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, e.t.c, have however their limitations and contraindications to certain medical conditions related to the spine and other joints. Some techniques are generally not suitable for all the groups of patients or some groups of patients are not addressed because of the underlying medical conditions as it may cause worsening of symptoms. But an integrated approach makes it possible to treat these conditions and increases the efficacy of the treatment.

Interventional Pain Medicine is a speciality medical treatment offering pain management solutions for complex cases, which are non-responsive to conservative pain management or manual treatments. Along with our Integrated Treatments, we take care of all the stages of inflammation and all types of acute pain, acute-on-chronic, subacute, and chronic pain patterns. Every stage of inflammation and injury needs a case-appropriate medical management. With our internationally-certified expert team, we take care from acute pain to structurally correcting the dysfunctional segment of spine or the joint for good and long-lasting recovery.


A non-surgical speciality Pain and Spine Clinic which brings together the benefits of modern medicine and evidence-based practices along with manual osteopathy and similar alternative medicine practices.

Our team wishes to offer an alternate and viable medical solution to people who look for relief and long-term solution, but willingly or unwillingly has to undergo multiple treatments in order to find out which one will work for them, or probably has to take a decision to undergo surgery, much sooner than actually required.

We assure transparency across every listed service and case-appropriate medical suggestions and referrals.


Heal Better. Heal Faster.

"Our approach has not only simplified the treatments but it also actively involves the patients to recover by our very simplified, yet very dynamic treatment protocols."