The Stance Spine Clinic


Impulse IQ Instrument Adjusting is the latest computerized adjustment tool that provides adjusting impulses to adjust and correct the fixated joint and other surroundings structure which is out of alignment and causing pain and inflammation.

It is understood clearly that not every manipulation session or adjusting attempt is successful, and guarantees 100% result, but with Impulse IQ sense, the chances of getting pain relief increases by 30% when used in combination with manual adjustment. No matter how the HVLA or manipulative techniques are performed, the majority of the patients’ guard during an adjustment. It has been found out that patients become uncomfortable with manipulative forces especially in very acute conditions, geriatric, or older populations. Some patients are not fit to undergo vigorous manipulation or” bone-cracking” commonly used terms as a single treatment plan because of certain underlying medical conditions.

The selection of a patient for the treatment is very important, as not all the patients looking for manual adjustment or manipulation will be deemed fit until suggested by the doctors. It is a well-known fact that if a joint is in an advanced stage of degeneration, it does not move easily or when attempted with any forceful treatment, it might cause a more adverse reaction and at times this is followed by increasing the pain and local inflammation. We acknowledge this truth, and therefore to help such sensitive patients, the Impulse IQ sense technology is used along with our osteopathic articulations and soft manipulation treatments. We have been successfully able to treat many sensitive, geriatric, and other patients found to be contraindicated or unfit for the direct manual adjustment or HVLA thrust techniques.

All Impulse IQ Treatment is provided by our internationally-certified practitioners who been clinically guided and trained by Impulse IQ Sense practicing Chiropractors and Osteopathy Experts. We have successfully treated a variety of musculoskeletal patients with great clinical results over the past few years.

Impulse Sense Technology is a premium addition to pain management treatment because of its unique ability to help your doctors with precise diagnosis and localized treatments with more effective results and help you in long-term in the most modern and scientific manner, and not just quick fix “cracking or popping.”


Best spinal correction is made for your gradual relief. We provides the best service to patients with clear analysis. With superior chiropractic techniques, patients can respond well at each stage. Our chiropractic techniques are safer and bring wholesome relief to you. Our team is well trained and experienced in instrument adjusting and digital chiropractic. The team has provided relief to many patients with a systematic approach.

Preventive care

Preventive Care

After a clear examination, we check the irregularities in the body. We will study the cause and effect in the body. Healthy exercise tips provided after completion of treatment. You can perform this task at home to avoid any risk in the future.

Better lifestyle

Better Lifestyle

We provide scientific advice to take care of yourself for a healthy spine and neck. We are keen to help you with a better lifestyle. We guide you, not to welcome any unnecessary risks in the future.

Healthy posture

Healthy Posture

Improving posture helps in avoiding risks any further. We help you to choose ergonomic furniture for better posture. Working overtime in front of the computers results in pain. Back braces and spine support help a lot for a healthy back and neck. We provide the best advice for degenerative spine conditions even.



Nickel Plated Bezel for maximum accuracy during adjustment



Audible indicators during adjustment allow you to make necessary adjustments in your care



Visual assessment of improved spinal motion as frequency changes from 5-12Hz during adjustment

"Our approach has not only simplified the treatments but it also actively involves the patients to recover by our very simplified, yet very dynamic treatment protocols."